100 Droughtmaster and Droughtmaster/Santa X weaner heifers
A line of genuine breeder heifers that are EU ACCREDITED, TEYS GRASSLANDS ACCREDITED and PCAS ELIGIBLE.
They are No 4 Droughtmaster & Santa/Droughtmaster cross heifers that have presented in good forward store condition. These heifers stand on tremendous bone, have great weight for age considering the dry start to life post weaning.
As seen by photos/videos these heifers would make a great addition to any herd looking for future breeders especially having the quality to back them whilst joining them to any bull of your choosing.
These cattle also have an excellent reputation and are capable of continued growth to end up a domestic, export feeder or a grass fed heavy weight kill heifer.
Due to the requirement for the purchaser to freight cattle to the clearing dip at Alpha I would suggest using a local transport operator provided they are going to a tick free area.