190 Hd High Grade Brahman Strs, 5 Decks, weighed 5/3/25 after 24hr Wet Curfew, 200-283kg to ave 230kg, predominately run 210/260 kg with unders and overs, mainly all Greys with a few Reds and Honeys, NO BLACKS or BRINDLES, NO HGP, NO MAJOR SKIN BLEMISHES, est majority second round #4s with odd 1st Round #5, treated with Ausmec Pour On 6/3/25 to assist with clearing, vendor guarantees to clear the dip, so just scratch and swim then reload at your leisure {within 24 hrs }, consider these steers Very Good Quality, from a well known Croydon property , these steers are known to do well for there purchasers for either Boat Trade or grow out to Bullocks , Vendor will try and build numbers to 6 Decks over coming days .Complete Weights available on request
$700 on property Croydon Qld , Vendor will deliver to a Major Yard or Trucking Facility ,at a price to be determined on application, may even consider a weigh and deliver arrangement, at a price to be agreed upon.
Will have a B Double of Steers lighter available as well , on another listing
Contact Eddy Lah, Elders Mareeba 0418 870037